
Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration, DevOps, Docker

CosmosDB linux container for your CI builds

If you have been following Microsoft Build 2021, you may have seen the news that the CosmosDB linux container is now out. This is great news for the ones who finally want to test on a *nix environment. As of this post, the CosmosDB linux container is in preview. As stated in the documentation, there are some limitations: Today, I will show you how you can automate the CosmosDB container for your CI builds, in particular Azure DevOps, running on Linux and Windows machines. If you plan to use the container on a machine running Windows, but using Docker Linux container mode, you will run into some Windows limitations while automating the process. Read more about that below. Using the…

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Continuous Integration, DevOps

Using WebDeploy in a CI/CD pipeline with powershell

It’s cool to play around with new Tech and new stuff but sometimes you have to come back to the basics that have been working for years. I’ve been setting up the CI/CD pipeline at my work place for my team and one task consisted of deploying the generated code documentation with DocFX, to our development web server hosted through IIS. Since I had custom logic I wanted to execute, I couldn’t use the built in WebDeploy task that was provided to me. So when you are doing DevOps, PowerShell becomes your best friend. For those who are struggling to install WebDeploy in IIS (8+), follow the guide Inigo Montoya put together. You should also configure a site using a Non-Administrative user…

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Continuous Integration, Web

ASP.NET Core web.config publishing blues

I’ve been working on being able to use Octopus Deploy to deploy ASP.NET Core applications through IIS and I was faced with an interesting challenge. When publishing to a File System through the Visual Studio Publish command, it will trigger a PowerShell script that essentially will call Microsoft Web Deploy V3 (msdeploy) to put your FileSystem up to date with your release. But before calling MSDeploy, it will update (or should I say overwrite) your web.config with the proper handlers that match your application. This means that it will create a generic web.config and removing all the settings you may want. The ASP.NET team is aware I believe of the fact that the publishing tool is limited and thus in need of some customization features…

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