

Azure, C#, Microsoft365

Connecting to SharePoint Online using an Azure AD Service Principle (Application) and CSOM

Microsoft is giving us a push to use Microsoft Graph as an alternative to using SharePoint CSOM. Unfortunately, not everything is available in Microsoft Graph. When you are automating, you want to use a service account that has no user identity (delegation) in it and can be autonomous. However, the only way right now to get an application token that can be used to consume the SharePoint Online CSOM, is to authenticate your application using an authentication certificate. This post continues on the SPOAuthentication code, as discussed in my other post. We will make use of the KeyVault to store the authentication certificate and then add it to the application as a key credential used for authentication. KeyVault and Application…

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Azure, C#, Microsoft365

Connecting to SharePoint Online CSOM using a non-interactive, headless application, through user delegation

It may happen to you that you need to run a process which has no user interaction for automation purposes. This may be a console application or an Azure Function that has a timer trigger. How is it possible to call the CSOM (client side object model) API of SharePoint online in such fashion? Usually people authenticate in other ways. Today, I want to show you how this can be done, using a .NET Core console application. Preface Before getting cracking with the code, I want to brush on the the On-Behalf-Flow, as it is important to understand it to understand why the code does certain things. The OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow (OBO) serves the use case where an application…

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