


Configuring X509 and Azure AD authentication in the Kubernetes cluster

I am continuing my quest to configure my homelab’s Kubernetes cluster. As for now I’ve done: Setup the cluster using vSphere/vCenter Configuring HAProxy as the load balancer for the masters Today, I want to configure authentication so that I can login to the cluster from my computer and not from one of the masters directly. There are plenty of authentication mechanisms in Kubernetes, but I want 2 focus on 2 techniques that are discussed in the documentation: x509 client certificates and OpenId Connect. For the OpenId Connect provider, I will use Azure Active Directory. Authentication using X509 client certificates The documentation describes pretty well how to create a certificate for a normal user. First, I need to generate a private/public…

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Docker, Kubernetes, Server administration

Installing a Kubernetes cluster on VMware vSphere and what I’ve learned

The topic of containers has been a hot topic for some time now. As a developer and architect, I want to be able to include them in my development SDLC for the various reasons you guys know. I won’t go in detail about them in this article, because after all you came to see how it was done right? :-). After having some container images waiting in a registry and awaiting to be used, I asked myself, how do I manage the deployment, management, scaling, and networking of these images when they will be spanned in containers? Using an orchestrator of course! Kubernetes (k8s) has become one of the widely used orchestrator for the management of the lifecycle of containers….

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