

Azure, Development, Web, WebApi

Load testing your applications using Azure Load Testing, JMeter and GitHub Actions

I’ve been working with more customers that are starting to take testing (unit, integration, end to end and load testing) more seriously. You may ask, “Dom, really? I thought testing was trivial”. Unfortunately not. As we’re entering an era where businesses are producing software like never before, relatively speaking, these businesses are not software companies. They are seeking to prioritize the speedy creation of business value while disregarding the importance of testing. Development teams, most often than not, are under pressure when the applications they develop do not perform the way they intended it to work, after being released. Testing is not engrained within their DNA. If it would have been, the extra stress and anxiety associated with debugging the…

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Development, Tools

Signing your GitHub commits with GPG and YubiKey

I got a YubiKey recently and saw a YouTube video where the presenter quickly showed how to sign GitHub commits. I found this a useful thing, as on GitHub, you can just set your name and email in your git config and GitHub will link that it’s from you but when in fact it may not. I saw this with Linus Torvalds, where someone saw he had “made” commits on a repo, but it did not seem to be something he would contribute on. Was it really him? Who knows, but I realized it was time for me to go a little bit beyond the normal security aspect and use my YubiKey for more than just for FIDO2 authentication. For…

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Managing multiple SSH keys for authentication to GitHub on Windows 10

Where I currently work, we have the opportunity to use our own personal computers to work. This means I’m able to use my own super computer. The company hosts their code on GitHub. In order to not mix my personal GitHub account and my work account, I created a new GitHub account for my work. GitHub has a limitation that it cannot use the same public key for 2 different accounts. As such, I created a new pair of keys to authenticate

The idea now is that I want to be able to use both keys and both accounts simultaneously. I want to also not have to enter my ssh key pass every time I do an operation. You…

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